Good gay movies to watch on hulu

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Starring Rachel Weiz and Rachel McAdams, Disobedience is a movie about a young woman who decided to return to her religiously secluded community after her father's death. Being in a lesbian relationship herself, she had to constantly fight the conservatives in order to modernize Sweden and accept her female lover. In the time period the Girl King grew up in, lesbian love was not tolerated.

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At such a young age, the girl king of the story is forced to take on a lot of responsibility in a time when society was a lot more conservative, especially towards a girl. The Girl King, based on the story of Kristina of Sweden, is a movie about a six-year-old girl who got crowned at the age of six.

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In order to help you out, here are some of the best lesbian movies streaming on Hulu right now. Hulu actually has a great selection of lesbian movies to choose from and you are bound to find a few you will enjoy.

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